Code of Conduct |
The Board has laid down the Code of Conduct for all
Board members and senior management of the Company.
All the Board members and senior personnel shall
affirm compliance with the code on an annual basis.
The annual report of the Company shall contain a
declaration to this effect. |
Applicability |
This Code of Conduct shall be applying to all the
Directors, Managers and other persons occupying the
positions at managerial level in the Organization. |
Ethical and Honest Conduct |
Directors and Managers shall adhere to the high
quality of compliance with the Code of Conduct so
framed. They all shall work to the best of their
capability and judgmental power. All the qualities
like honesty, reliability and accountability must be
developed in the environment for efficient working
of Organization. |
Confidentiality of Information |
Directors and Senior Managerial persons and all
those occupying the positions at management level or
below one level of the Board shall ensure the full
secrecy of the confidential information within the
Organization. They shall keep the confidentiality of
the price sensitive information in the course of
their duties. |
Disclosures |
Directors and Senior Managers shall declare
information about the relatives (Children, spouse,
parents) employed in the Company. |
Prohibition |
Directors and managers shall not indulge themselves
in to the activities which are in conflict with the
interest of the Company. |
Facilities |
Directors and senior managers shall ensure that they
use the company's assets, properties and services
for official purposes only or as per the terms of
appointment. |
Violation of Code of Conduct |
Any violation in respect of the code will be viewed
as serious. The decision of the Board of Directors
shall be final in case of any violation is
committed. Any loss due to such violation shall be
indemnified by the violator. |
Waiver |
No one will be allowed to make the waiver from any
of the conditions specified in the policy so framed
under the Code, unless express approval has been
made by the Board of Directors of the Company. |
Obeying of Code |
Company shall always strive to obey the Law, Bye-
Laws, Rules and Regulation framed by the statutory
authorities in letter and spirit. |