INVESTOR SECTION - Corporate Governance |
Philosophy on Corporate Governance |
Corporate Governance policy shall remain the supreme
policy of the Organization. This will guide the Conduct
of the Company. Our main motto is not only to comply
with the regulatory framework but also adhere to treat
it as better and effective management of the
Organization. The Company’s corporate governance
philosophy encourage doing things right and doing the
right things which are the basic tenets of good
corporate governance. Recognizing that good corporate
governance begins with a company’s own internal policies
and practices. Various committees have been constituted
for this purpose.
Constitution of the various committees under the
Corporate Governance policy shall have the optimum
number of the Executive and Non-Executive Directors. As
Non-Executive Directors plays critical role in smooth
functioning of the organization. They are expected to
take best and independent decision after making analysis
of pros and cons of every decision.
Board of Directors: |
The Board structure of Company consists of eight directors. The Board is headed by Ms. Manjit Bawa, an Non-Executive Chairman.
Sr. No |
Name of the Directors |
Designation & Category |
1 |
Mr. Simarjit Singh Bawa |
00851651 |
Managing Director |
2 |
Mr. Atamjit Singh Bawa
00807400 |
Director |
3 |
Mr. Ashwani Arora |
01809365 |
Non Executive Director |
4 |
Mr. G.S. Bedi |
02442047 |
Independent-Non Executive |
5 |
Mr. Rohit Rajpal |
08750443 |
Independent-Non Executive |
6 |
Mr. Rajinder Kumar Bhatia |
09294777 |
Independent-Non Executive |
7 |
Mrs. Harjinder Kaur |
10524745 |
Additional Director |
8 |
Mr. Jagdish Chand |
09294793 |
Independent-Non Executive |
Disclosures regarding appointment/re-appointment of
Directors: |
As per section 255 read with section 256 of Companies
Act, 1956, two-third of the Directors should retire by
rotation. One-third of these Directors are required to
retire every year and if eligible, they can offer
themselves for re-appointment.
Audit Committee: |
The Composition of the Committee complied with the
requirement of Clause 49 of Listing Agreement. The
Chairman of the Committee attended the Annul General
Meeting of the Company.
The Audit Committee of the Company performs the following functions:-
Ensuring that remuneration policy is good enough to
attract, retain and motivate the Directors; |
Recommending the appointment/removal of external auditor and secretarial auditor, fixation of audit fees and approval for payment for any other services.
Reviewing and monitoring the auditor’s independence and performance, and effectiveness of audit Process
. |
Reviewing with the management, the quarterly and yearly financial statement before submission to the Board for approval.
. |
Reviewing the functioning of the Whistle Blower mechanism.
. |
“The Composition of the Committee complied with the requirement of Clause 49 of Listing Agreement. The Chairman of the Committee attended the Annul General Meeting of the Company”
. |
TO |
2 |
Mr. Rajinder Kumar Bhatia |
Member |
Independent Non Executive |
3 |
Mr. Ashwani Arora |
Member |
Non Executive |
The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary to the Audit
The composition of the Committee complied with the
requirements of Clause 49 of Listing Agreement.
Nomination Remuneration Committee |
The Remuneration Committee of the company recommends to
the Board the compensation terms of Executive directors
and its responsibilities include: |
Framing and implementing on behalf of the Board and on
behalf of the shareholders, credible and transparent
policy on remuneration of executive Directors; |
Considering, approving and recommending to the Board the
changes in designation and increase in salary of the
executive Directors; |
Ensuring that remuneration policy is good enough to
attract, retain and motivate the Directors; |
The Committee constituted by the Board of Directors
consists of followings: - |
TO |
1 |
Mr. Rohit Rajpal |
Chairman |
Independent Non Executive |
2 |
Mr. Rajinder Kumar Bhatia |
Member |
Independent Non Executive |
3 |
Mr. Jagdish Chand |
Member |
Independent Non Executive |
Stakeholder's Relationship Committe
The committee focuses on shareholders grievances and strengthening of investors relations. The committee specifically looks into the redressal of shareholders complaints within the purview of the guidelines issued by SEBI and Listing Agreement.
The Committee performs the following functions:
Transfer/ transmission/ transpositions of shares.
Dematerialization/ rematerialization of shares. |
Issue of new and duplicate share certificates. |
To look into redressal of shareholders’ and investors’ complaints like transfer of shares, non- receipt of annual report, non- receipt of declared dividends, etc. |
Any allied matter(s) out of and incidental to these functions and not herein above specifically provided for.
The Committee constituted by the Board of Directors
consists of followings: - |
TO |
1 |
Mr. Rajinder Kumar Bhatia |
Chairman |
Independent Non Executive |
2 |
Mr. Rohit Rajpal |
Member |
Independent Non Executive |
3 |
Mr. Jagdish Chand |
Member |
Independent Non Executive |